Promising to minimize pores, and reveal your softest skin, microdermabrasion treatments have begun to gain popularity. So first things first, how do they work? Using suction and abrasion technology, the Microderm Glo helps remove the dead, outer layer of your skin. Revealing this new, fresh layer provides a fresh glow. This helps reduce fine lines and wrinkles that were emphasized by the dead skin. It also helps promote the production of collagen through this minimally invasive procedure. Similar to microneedling, damaging the skin can produce a controlled trauma response. This means that through deeper exfoliation, your cells actually speed up their processes. The Microderm Glo claims to reveal your softest skin almost immediately. This low-risk device uses Diamond 3-D technology to improve your skin’s radiance and youthful glow.
Once this device exfoliates, your skin is more open to accepting serums effectively. In order to take advantage of this opportunity, I utilized the DW-EGF and the Vitamin B5 serum. These helped to support the new layer and enhance its moisture and texture. The Microderm Glo is a great exfoliating device to help clear and cleanse your skin.
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