
How Many Jeuveau Toxin Units Does It Take?


When Jeuveau first hit the market, I was intrigued by the buzz surrounding this new product and decided to experience it myself. To get a thorough evaluation and professional insight, I scheduled a visit with Dr. Rice, a renowned expert in cosmetic treatments. During my visit, Dr. Rice explained the unique qualities of Jeuveau and how it compares to other products available. Join me as I delve into the world of cosmetic enhancements and test out Jeuveau under the expert care of Dr. Rice, discovering firsthand its effects and benefits.

Jeuveau, a novel neurotoxin, was introduced to the market in 2019 as a new contender in the cosmetic industry. Designed specifically for aesthetic purposes, Jeuveau quickly gained popularity for its effectiveness in smoothing out moderate to severe frown lines between the eyebrows, similar to its more established counterparts like Botox. Its introduction provided a fresh option for those seeking to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and achieve a more youthful look. In 2019, Jeuveau was widely used by dermatologists and cosmetic practitioners who praised its quick onset of action and the natural-looking results it delivered. As more people sought minimally invasive treatments to enhance their appearance, Jeuveau became a preferred choice for many patients and professionals alike, marking its place in the competitive landscape of cosmetic injectables.




Jeuveau and Nabota

Although the product is the same, they are marketed differently in the US and Korea, hence the different names. Jeuveau is FDA-approved and Nabota is approved for use in South Korea.

Jeuveau and Nabota are both advanced neurotoxins designed to address facial wrinkles, particularly glabellar lines, by temporarily paralyzing the underlying muscles. Jeuveau, also known as prabotulinumtoxinA-xvfs, was developed by Evolus and introduced to the U.S. market in 2019. Nabota, on the other hand, is another name for the same neurotoxin manufactured by Daewoong Pharmaceuticals in South Korea. Both products contain botulinum toxin type A and offer similar results in terms of efficacy, safety, and duration of effect.

The production processes for both Jeuveau and Nabota involve meticulous fermentation, purification, and formulation to ensure high purity and potency. The main difference lies in their branding and market presence, with Jeuveau being marketed predominantly in the United States, while Nabota is more widely known in Asia and other international markets. Despite these differences, the underlying science and application of the two products remain remarkably similar, providing reliable options for individuals seeking non-surgical facial rejuvenation.


Dermics Kaos10

Nabota 200

Nabota 100

Our Mouth Corners!!!

Here is a great example of a turned-down mouth from last night’s presidential debate…

I’m fair, and Trump’s mouth could benefit from tox; here’s why…

In yesterday’s video inside the Natural Kaos APP

I explained…

Placing tox in the depressor anguli oris muscle reduces the muscle’s pull on your mouth’s corners down your neck.

If your mouth resembles Trump’s and you hate this look, you are capable of correcting this aspect easily at home.

The YouTube video added this week explains where I place my tox.

Inside my app, I have the injection portion with more insight on why…

Comment “TOX” for this video, the App, and the Blog to be sent to you.

🎥 https://urlgeni.us/youtube/Innotox



#Botox #SmileLift #BotoxSmile#MouthCorners #FacialAesthetics #CosmeticInjectables #AestheticMedicine #BotoxBeforeAndAfter
#BotoxResults #AntiAgingTreatment

Our Mouth Corners!!!

Here is a great example of a turned-down mouth from last night’s presidential debate…

I’m fair, and Trump’s mouth could benefit from tox; here’s why…

In yesterday’s video inside the Natural Kaos APP

I explained…

Placing tox in the depressor anguli oris muscle reduces the muscle’s pull on your mouth’s corners down your neck.

If your mouth resembles Trump’s and you hate this look, you are capable of correcting this aspect easily at home.

The YouTube video added this week explains where I place my tox.

Inside my app, I have the injection portion with more insight on why…

Comment “TOX” for this video, the App, and the Blog to be sent to you.

🎥 https://urlgeni.us/youtube/Innotox



#Botox #SmileLift #BotoxSmile#MouthCorners #FacialAesthetics #CosmeticInjectables #AestheticMedicine #BotoxBeforeAndAfter
#BotoxResults #AntiAgingTreatment

116 55
Those pesky EYEBROWS!!!

Spock’d Eyebrows will always give way that you have toxin in the center of your forehead…relaxing the frontalis aka center of your forehead…is effective at reducing the horizontal lines we develop as we age.

However, if tox isn’t placed laterally, the other muscles in our face will continue to pull up…causing a Spock’d Eyebrow look that most people don’t want.

I learned this causation in 2019 when I was traveling Europe alone with my four boys…tip…don’t tox your face right before a trip. Make sure to give yourself a week following so you can do any needed touch ups.

I’m four days post placing the 90 units of Innotox. I saved 10 units for any needed touch ups. I can already tell I’ll add a few more units to my brow area to prevent the side eyebrow wrinkle I tend to develop.

Again this video was not an attempt to pick on the President…but as I watched the debate last night I thought it was a perfect example of what I attempted to explain on YouTube yesterday.

Comment “TOX” for this video, the App, and the Blog to be sent to you.

🎥 https://urlgeni.us/youtube/Innotox



#SpockEyebrows #VulcanEyebrows #Botox #EyebrowLift #SpockBrows #EyebrowFix #CosmeticEnhancement #BeautyTips #BotoxBrows #AestheticTreatment #BeautyTransformation #BotoxResults

Those pesky EYEBROWS!!!

Spock’d Eyebrows will always give way that you have toxin in the center of your forehead…relaxing the frontalis aka center of your forehead…is effective at reducing the horizontal lines we develop as we age.

However, if tox isn’t placed laterally, the other muscles in our face will continue to pull up…causing a Spock’d Eyebrow look that most people don’t want.

I learned this causation in 2019 when I was traveling Europe alone with my four boys…tip…don’t tox your face right before a trip. Make sure to give yourself a week following so you can do any needed touch ups.

I’m four days post placing the 90 units of Innotox. I saved 10 units for any needed touch ups. I can already tell I’ll add a few more units to my brow area to prevent the side eyebrow wrinkle I tend to develop.

Again this video was not an attempt to pick on the President…but as I watched the debate last night I thought it was a perfect example of what I attempted to explain on YouTube yesterday.

Comment “TOX” for this video, the App, and the Blog to be sent to you.

🎥 https://urlgeni.us/youtube/Innotox



#SpockEyebrows #VulcanEyebrows #Botox #EyebrowLift #SpockBrows #EyebrowFix #CosmeticEnhancement #BeautyTips #BotoxBrows #AestheticTreatment #BeautyTransformation #BotoxResults

238 128
It’s quite simple…I see this question everyday and I tell you where to go everyday 😂 I really need to work on my CTA’s 😅

If you are confused where I source items and where I share in depth Join My APP, go to my website, and make sure you watch my weekly YouTube videos.
I want to share content and uplift others who are capable.

What I and others do in the APP is not for everyone.

If you can’t navigate to an App or to a website then I promise you, you won’t be capable of doing what we share.

This is not to be rude…I’m being real!

The last thing I want is someone  hurting themselves. 

If you truly want to find out about these procedures and where to source… then put in a few minute of effort rather than messaging me…I don’t have the bandwidth to get back to you.

Please access the tools I’ve created and provide you.

LAST…I get messages from people telling me they can’t afford the membership fee of $15/month. 

Again, my APP is not for everyone and it’s a paid for service. 

You can always go to my website for FREE info.

Further, if you can’t afford $15/mo you cannot afford to do your own TOX even at $1/unit because vials come in 50 and 100 unit increments. Plus you need more tox than a single unit.

I know I might sound callous but I find it highly offensive when strangers beg me for FREE STUFF. It’s gross and I will immediately block you because you are a scammer… I’ve been on IG for over 10 years, and you are the same person who would message me for FREE baby clothes.

If you are a competent responsible person then you are in the right place and i wholeheartedly welcome you. If you have a victim mentality and expect people to do everything for you, then I’m not your person…and that’s ok too:)

It’s quite simple…I see this question everyday and I tell you where to go everyday 😂 I really need to work on my CTA’s 😅

If you are confused where I source items and where I share in depth Join My APP, go to my website, and make sure you watch my weekly YouTube videos.
I want to share content and uplift others who are capable.

What I and others do in the APP is not for everyone.

If you can’t navigate to an App or to a website then I promise you, you won’t be capable of doing what we share.

This is not to be rude…I’m being real!

The last thing I want is someone hurting themselves.

If you truly want to find out about these procedures and where to source… then put in a few minute of effort rather than messaging me…I don’t have the bandwidth to get back to you.

Please access the tools I’ve created and provide you.

LAST…I get messages from people telling me they can’t afford the membership fee of $15/month.

Again, my APP is not for everyone and it’s a paid for service.

You can always go to my website for FREE info.

Further, if you can’t afford $15/mo you cannot afford to do your own TOX even at $1/unit because vials come in 50 and 100 unit increments. Plus you need more tox than a single unit.

I know I might sound callous but I find it highly offensive when strangers beg me for FREE STUFF. It’s gross and I will immediately block you because you are a scammer… I’ve been on IG for over 10 years, and you are the same person who would message me for FREE baby clothes.

If you are a competent responsible person then you are in the right place and i wholeheartedly welcome you. If you have a victim mentality and expect people to do everything for you, then I’m not your person…and that’s ok too:)

18 4
Comment “TOX” for tonight’s video link dropped into your DM inbox.
This video will go into detail on how I’m placing 90 units of Innotox.
It will also share mixing up Mayster PLLA and how I numb for mesotherapy.

The injection portion will be inside the App.

APP FRIENDS…I just got the Innotox portion loaded into the App and the Mayster PLLA portion is uploading now.

The FREE printable’s are found on NaturalKaos.com along with the associated BLOG that has links to products and photos.


🎥 LINK: https://urlgeni.us/youtube/Innotox

Comment “TOX” for tonight’s video link dropped into your DM inbox.
This video will go into detail on how I’m placing 90 units of Innotox.
It will also share mixing up Mayster PLLA and how I numb for mesotherapy.

The injection portion will be inside the App.

APP FRIENDS…I just got the Innotox portion loaded into the App and the Mayster PLLA portion is uploading now.

The FREE printable’s are found on NaturalKaos.com along with the associated BLOG that has links to products and photos.


🎥 LINK: https://urlgeni.us/youtube/Innotox

174 104
This weeks YouTube video on the channel @spa.and.tell will cover how I used Innotox and Mayster PLLA.

The injection portion will be reserved for the app.

After years of tyrannical censorship this is how I have to share. I’m not a gate keeper, quite the opposite.

I never realized that picking products for myself, using them and sharing what was working was something to curtail.

Following the loss of my multi million dollar YouTube channel Natural Kaos this is the wonky way I can share.
Thank you for your understanding. Believe me, no one wants to be as open as I do but tech middle managers in Silicon Valley are the faceless arbitrators of what is appropriate.

They love to push nudity while censoring real information that serves you. I hope one day this changes, but until then you can find everything you are looking for inside the Natural Kaos App. 

Find it on Apple and Android.

This weeks YouTube video on the channel @spa.and.tell will cover how I used Innotox and Mayster PLLA.

The injection portion will be reserved for the app.

After years of tyrannical censorship this is how I have to share. I’m not a gate keeper, quite the opposite.

I never realized that picking products for myself, using them and sharing what was working was something to curtail.

Following the loss of my multi million dollar YouTube channel Natural Kaos this is the wonky way I can share.
Thank you for your understanding. Believe me, no one wants to be as open as I do but tech middle managers in Silicon Valley are the faceless arbitrators of what is appropriate.

They love to push nudity while censoring real information that serves you. I hope one day this changes, but until then you can find everything you are looking for inside the Natural Kaos App.

Find it on Apple and Android.

185 24

 I’ve been consistently eating this meat concoction for the past 6 months…

Obviously there is nothing special about this dish. 
It’s simply:
-Ground Beef
-Truffle Salt

I’ve used different spices at times, to make it more Mexican inspired with Cumin or more Italian inspired with oregano and parsley.

I make this often because I always have the ingredients and it’s quick. Plus this mixture is super satisfying because there is a good amount of fat.

I made it for our dinner and then packed it up for two future lunches.

I keep my food this simple at home. I don’t weigh or measure, although I completely understand why people do. 

This year I’ve really tried to be more food intentional and mindful with how I feel during and after a meal. I have enough to stress and I wanted a healthier mindset on food.

For me, counting macros or calories is not sustainable I always burn out. 
Instead, I make meat and eat as much as I want. 

Fat keeps me full and my blood sugar stable; preventing an after meal crash…which would happen if I had a sandwich, pasta, or really anything that is high carb.

If you fall asleep after lunch, or feel sluggish in the afternoons maybe try eating meat, I know it seems crazy but I always feel better on meat.


I’ve been consistently eating this meat concoction for the past 6 months…

Obviously there is nothing special about this dish.
It’s simply:
-Ground Beef
-Truffle Salt

I’ve used different spices at times, to make it more Mexican inspired with Cumin or more Italian inspired with oregano and parsley.

I make this often because I always have the ingredients and it’s quick. Plus this mixture is super satisfying because there is a good amount of fat.

I made it for our dinner and then packed it up for two future lunches.

I keep my food this simple at home. I don’t weigh or measure, although I completely understand why people do.

This year I’ve really tried to be more food intentional and mindful with how I feel during and after a meal. I have enough to stress and I wanted a healthier mindset on food.

For me, counting macros or calories is not sustainable I always burn out.
Instead, I make meat and eat as much as I want.

Fat keeps me full and my blood sugar stable; preventing an after meal crash…which would happen if I had a sandwich, pasta, or really anything that is high carb.

If you fall asleep after lunch, or feel sluggish in the afternoons maybe try eating meat, I know it seems crazy but I always feel better on meat.

135 27
Don’t BUY this Bikini if you are a…

professional or mediocre diver:)
As soon as I entered the water these bottoms were gone 😂

I think this suit is really cute. I love the color with a tan. 

However, things to keep in mind…

FIT: is a bit skimpy especially in the back. 

SIZE: it runs small…I’m wearing the S/M (they only have two sizes, S/M or L/XL).

FABRIC: it’s thick because it’s smocked, this creates drag and fiction on the suit, hence why I lost bottoms when diving in. Once wet, it feels heavy due to the smocking that adds bulk. The drape of this fabric can give you camel toe as it bulks up in that area too 😂🙈 The smocking adds a softness to the suit, almost like plush carpet:)

VERDICT: obviously this suit has some drawbacks…I still enjoy how it fits for laying out however, this is not your active suit. I would not attempt any water activities in this suit besides hot tubbing.

If you are still interested in this suit after I’ve explained its issues comment “BIKINI” and if you are on Facebook the link is below 👇🏻 there are 5 colors.

👙 https://urlgeni.us/amzn/BikiniSetInPink

Don’t BUY this Bikini if you are a…

professional or mediocre diver:)
As soon as I entered the water these bottoms were gone 😂

I think this suit is really cute. I love the color with a tan.

However, things to keep in mind…

FIT: is a bit skimpy especially in the back.

SIZE: it runs small…I’m wearing the S/M (they only have two sizes, S/M or L/XL).

FABRIC: it’s thick because it’s smocked, this creates drag and fiction on the suit, hence why I lost bottoms when diving in. Once wet, it feels heavy due to the smocking that adds bulk. The drape of this fabric can give you camel toe as it bulks up in that area too 😂🙈 The smocking adds a softness to the suit, almost like plush carpet:)

VERDICT: obviously this suit has some drawbacks…I still enjoy how it fits for laying out however, this is not your active suit. I would not attempt any water activities in this suit besides hot tubbing.

If you are still interested in this suit after I’ve explained its issues comment “BIKINI” and if you are on Facebook the link is below 👇🏻 there are 5 colors.

👙 https://urlgeni.us/amzn/BikiniSetInPink

79 30

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