About Us
About Us

What is Natural Kaos?
Helping everyone empower their skin care journey, from basic skincare routines to professional procedures you perform in your home.
You are capable!
Along with our community’s gathered insight, you will find what suits you and create the best skin of your life for a fraction of the cost.
Natural Kaos is the DIY Skin care Revolution, and the Natural Kaos App is its home. Our community supports members with research, product safety, tutorials, and guides, plus an active community of people providing their insight and sharing what’s truly effective.

Hi, I’m Kim Pratt
Most know me as Kim, some as “the DIY woman, and a select few as “mom.” I had four boys in 5 years, and after growing up in California and Hawaii, sun damage was quickly aging me. I couldn’t afford to have sitters watch my kids for endless skin care appointments, let alone the appointment fees. I soon realized I would need sessions of microneedling and a series of acid peels to make any impact.
Feeling housebound while nursing one baby after the other, I had time to research. It became apparent that I could source what I needed online, saving me money on treatments and allowing me to care for children while also caring for myself.
After years of treating myself at home and inquiries from people at the gym about my skin care routines, I started making YouTube videos, sharing what was working for me, and being transparent about where I found effective products and devices.
My skin drastically improved for the better, and my channel grew into something I had dreamed of creating; a place that openly shared the possibilities and realities of DIY skin care.
Legally, I’ve always been within the bounds of the law. It is not illegal to purchase and use non-FDA products on yourself. Just because medical elites and large pharmaceutical companies condemn my personal choice does not make it illegal.
Unfortunately, the current US situation abuses people who empower themselves. In August 2021, the Natural Kaos YouTube channel I’d slaved over for three years was terminated without any strike or recourse. It had become income for our family and employed others. We had family dreams associated with the channel I’d built; my husband and sons had sacrificed time with me to help make it a reality.
I truly believe that information should be available to all people. The internet has expedited the sharing of ideas and has facilitated research unlike anything else, including college. Skin care and skin products are an evolving current. The flood gates of this current are released when we have an active community all sharing their insights. I can never test every product or stay the course with every protocol, but we can as a community.
The Natural Kaos skin care community is pushing the boundaries of personal skin care and what is possible at home. While our individual choices make some angry, unfortunately, revolutions are polarizing. Like Uber in the taxi space, Natural Kaos will be the disrupter of the aesthetics industry.
We use KFDA-approved products from Korea. Korean products are the gold standard in beauty and skin care. Your mind will be blown by how inexpensive and straightforward doing your own “TOX” can be. We are stopping wrinkles in our homes while making friends and building community.
-Start building collagen naturally with PDO Threads.
-Perk up your lips with a bit of filler.
-Microneedle your skin for a smooth texture.
-Peel off your acne and chicken pox scars.
-Firm and brighten your complexion with mesotherapy.
My skin care journey led me to make YouTube videos now available on the Natural Kaos site. Tyrannical censorship from tech platforms aiding pharmaceutical companies led me to create the Natural Kaos App. We are not beholden to the corrupt pharmaceutical establishment nor the judgments of online trolls. We are obligated to ourselves and our families and seek what is best for us.
My skin has never looked better, and I’ve never felt more capable. Empowering oneself on any topic will burst the dam of self-esteem, flooding your soul and the souls of those in your sphere with light.
Our Natural Kaos App community is flooded with incredible people; my journey has become much more than removing sun damage. It’s inspired a capable skin care revolution that fills me with tremendous gratitude and humility daily.
Hi, I’m Tyler
This Is My Natural Kaos Story
When I first found Natural Kaos it was the YouTube channel and I used it as a reference guide when doing research. Then once I joined the private app I was delighted to discover it is a full-blown community of skincare-loving people sharing endless knowledge and experience. It’s now the 3rd most used app on my phone. I love it for its positivity and for the friendships I’ve made through it. Natural Kaos has changed my life and skin, and I’ll always be grateful for that.

Hi, I’m Rhonda
This Is My Natural Kaos Story
I was born in southern Idaho and spent sunny days playing in the snow and skiing. I grew up all over the world, living in Haiti and Africa before middle school. Upon our return to the US, we lived in sunny Southern California where I spent every summer sunbathing with baby oil until I was a beautiful copper brown. Today, at age 57, my skincare goals are undoing the damage from my many years of sun worshiping. I found Kim 2 years ago and have become obsessed with meso therapy, threads, and microneedling! I’ve been able to make huge changes to my skin using these three modalities. My life and skin have been transformed!
Hi, I’m RYan
This Is My Natural Kaos Story
The NK app is a treasure trove of amazing skincare magic that I’m so thankful for since my complexion has gone through a definite change for the better. I’ve minimized large pores, smoothed irregular textures, and increased collagen and elastin. And have had so much fun doing it!

Hi, I’m Christy
This Is My Natural Kaos Story
In my 30s I could see my skin changing from dryness, volume loss, the elasticity wasn’t there anymore, skin texture, etc. It wasn’t until I stumbled upon NK that there were things I could do to turn that around and restore some of these things. I’m so grateful for the things I’ve learned . NK has changed my life and I’m loving it – Chrsity
Hi, I'M Melissa
This Is My Natural Kaos Story
Smart. Strong. Silly. Straight up class act. I love being a Mother. Natural Kaos is a place of like-minded people who make decisions for themselves. Your skincare journey begins with you. I am proud to be part of a movement that pushes back on a person’s ability to educate themselves in the world of beauty treatments.