Numbing Cream, Gouri, Innotox, Mayster PLLA, Gold Threads

Today, we’re continuing the journey to rebuild lost volume in my face using Mayster PLLA and Gouri – both amazing biostimulators!
Earlier this year, I shared how I lost facial volume from using the weight loss peptide Semaglutide, also known as Ozempic. Now, I’m boosting natural volume growth with these biostimulators, and let me show you how they work…

All injections are found inside the Natural Kaos App, Download it Now to watch this entire treatment.

Let’s start with Mayster PLLA.
I’ve already made a video comparing Mayster PLLA to Sculptra, but here’s the quick version: PLLA is a plant-derived material that kickstarts collagen production when injected into the skin. We’re talking temples, cheeks, and around the mouth. The next day, it might feel like you’ve been lightly punched in the face – but don’t worry, that fades fast!


Masyter PLLA comes in two vials for mixing.
This will be my third application of Mayster PLLA this year, and I’m excited to see the continued results.


I’m adding Gouri to the mix because, hey, more volume is always welcome! Gouri is special because it’s the first liquid PCL injectable. This stuff does it all: lifts, tightens, fills wrinkles, and smooths skin texture. And the best part? It works naturally over time as the PCL breaks down and stimulates collagen.

What I love about Gouri is how it blends seamlessly with the skin for a natural look. Plus, it keeps working for up to six months, with treatments once a month. Today, I’ll be using the BAP injection technique, which works well with thicker products like this.

The BAP method requires a total of 10 injections to rejuvenate the face.
- The first injection is marked in the center of your forehead, centered over your eye; mine is about 3cm above my eyebrow.
- The second injection is 2cm lateral of the nostril.
- The third injection is 3cm lateral of the second mark.
- The fourth injection is 3cm lateral from the corner lip centered between marks 2 and 3.
- The fifth injection is 2cm lateral from your eye.
These five injections get repeated on both sides of the face, making it ten in total.

You can use a 30g meso needle with Gouri

Gouri has 10 divisions
The Gouri box contains a 1ml syringe of liquid PCL, and the syringe has ten marks on it for each spot, which is .2cc per injection site, placed deep in the dermis, and one box is enough for one face treatment.

The BAP method is used with thicker products like Profhilo and Iniblanc. Profhilo is a crosslinked Hyaluronic Acid that hydrates the skin, and Iniblanc is another liquid PCL injectable I plan to try later this fall.
I love the BAP injection method because you can follow the diagram measurements and feel confident in placement and results.
I make little 2cm and 3cm cards to expedite the placement marks.


A couple of months ago, I did a full-face treatment with Innotox, and if you missed that video, it’s linked here! Today, I’ve noticed some rainbow lines above my brows, so I’ll be adding two units of Innotox on each side to smooth that out. These injections are lateral to the center line of your pupil, and I will be injecting straight into each arch.


I’ll place five 25mm gold threads under each eye to stimulate collagen for up to 24 months. I’ve used shorter 12mm threads before, and I had trouble. These longer 25mm threads should be much easier to work with, and fingers crossed will build and brighten my under-eye area.

I prep for injections by first cleansing my skin. Then I use a dermaroller to open up my skin. I brush Korean numbing cream on top and then trap it in with plastic wrap. I like to numb for 30-45 minutes. I also take arnica tablets to reduce bruising.

Dermarolling Skin

Applying numbing cream

Cover with plastic wrap

Take Arnica
That’s my full plan for today’s facial rejuvenation! I’ll be doing all of this live in my skin and wellness app, so be sure to download it from the link below if you want to watch the demo.


I used my new Lumara Viso and immediately loved how powerful and lightweight it is. The fit is very comfortable and in a quick 10 minute session I received a huge boost in healing.
SAVE $50 on the Lumara Viso mask with this LINK

If you didn’t catch the neck tightening video because Youtube removed it, its here, enjoy:) Kim

Have a great day my friends xoxo Kim