Gouri PCL and Hyafillia Lip Filler
by Kim Pratt | May 16, 2022 | FILLER, INJECTIONS, LIQUID PCL | 3 comments

Lip Filler
Bringing definiton back to my lips. I would usually go with a Celltermi Petite or Hyafilla Petite however, I had the classic on hand and was due for a little lip intervention. After using Hyafilla Classic one of the biggest advantages of this best-selling soft-tissue filler is its incredible safety. Even though its HA has gone a cross-linking process, the product does not have traces of BDDE residue which considerably reduces the risk of adverse effects and allergic reactions.
HyaFilia Classic is a one-of-a-kind skin rejuvenation solution since it relies on a biphasic gel structure, part of which is non-stabilized and another – stabilized. As a result, this highly-rated filler injection has greater gel plasticity and elasticity that guarantees a more painless and quick treatment for patients and a smoother injection procedure for cosmetic surgeons.
It is inexpensive It offers instant anti-wrinkle results It is proven to be safe It improves skin’s overall condition It is more durable than other HA-based fillers

Meso Monday
By Now most of you know my Meso Monday’s, if not I will clue you in- I go live on TikTok to prep & answser questions an hour before I go live in the Natural Kaos Skincare App to do one or sometimes two treatments.
Today I set out to do a treament of Gouri and Lip Filler. Mapping out my treatments is very important to me because it helps me to look back at the treatments to see what worked or what placement I did and what I used.

Collagen Enabled Solubilized Active and Biodegradable Polymer Technology.
It is DEXLEVO’s patent technology that enables regeneration of natural skin collagen and
rejuvenates your skin without the use of microparticles. GOURI is the 1st Liquid type PCL(Polycarprolactone) Injecatable. GOURI rejuvenates our skin through the Collagenesis on the entire face.
- Spreadability : GOURI naturally spreads and regenerates collagen on the entire face.
- · Easy to Use : GOURI needs only 10 points inject for the entire face
- · Natural&Sustainable Improvements : GOURI restores the collagen synthesis rate which has
decreased due to skin-aging and rejuvenates the skin more younger and healthier.
Can I dissovle Gouri?
PCL cannot be dissolved after injection. GOURI doesn’t give you instant superficial changes. Which means that there is no need to dissolve it.
Can I combine treatments like Botox, Filler, PRP ?
It’s recommended 1-month interval before and after taking other treatment. One of the strong features of GOURI is it’s compatibility with other products. You can apply non-crosslinked skin booster or Botox together. Yet, do not mix any other products with GOURI. When it comes to HA fillers and other cross-linked materials, it’s recommended 1-month interval before and after the treatment.
What is the differnce between Gouri and other High Polymer products?
It is totally different from other high polymer products. Existing products are not fully liquid. They are formed by mixing of high polymer material powder (such as PCL and PLLA) with liquid saline or CMC gel. As a result, they can’t spread out into the entire face and have a high risk of complications. They give effect on the localized part only. Moreover, there is a risk of hypercorrection in cases when too much of material is injected. GOURI as the 1st fully liquid type PCL injectable, spreads out into the entire face.
Unlike existing fillers, GOURI has no microparticles. It’s homogenously solubilized in the water. So, it has smooth and acceptable extrusion force and it can be injected it with 30 to 35 G needle. GOURI is injected very uniformly into dermal or subdermal layer. GOURI, as a biodegradable polymer, it naturally degrades naturally due to the hydrolysis. Compared to Hyaluronic acid, it has longer cosmetic performance.
GOURI is for face only, they are collecting clinical data about other indications, such as hand, neck injections.
Gouri comes in a prefilled syringe and will be Re Stocked end of August 2022 from FillerHouse.

DIY Face Markings
I made my Gouri markings from measuring out on paper and cutting to precise mesureaments.
Inject .2cc per point. No need to mold afterwards.

- Face
- Side Face
- Lips

Lastly, I did use lidocaine as it has made so many of my treatments much easier and far less painful. xo- Kim😘
Products Used:
Syringe and Needle for B12 Injection
Gouri- Gouri comes in a prefilled syringe
ReStock August 2022
Dermics Numbing Cream- Neocaine

Ps. I am super happy with my lips! 💋
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Debra H.
on May 18, 2022 at 1:38 pm
glad you love your lips ! Love all of the info on the filler and Gouri !
on July 2, 2022 at 5:55 am
Love your lips and thanks for the demonstration of everything. It’s so nice the way you did your lower lip with the cannula. I’m going to try that. I saw cannulas from dermics and wondering what size did you use?
Rose Benzekri
on September 2, 2022 at 12:45 am
Hi, when will Gouri be restocked? Thanks
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glad you love your lips ! Love all of the info on the filler and Gouri !
Love your lips and thanks for the demonstration of everything. It’s so nice the way you did your lower lip with the cannula. I’m going to try that. I saw cannulas from dermics and wondering what size did you use?
Hi, when will Gouri be restocked? Thanks