
It’s Here! Natural Kaos 16 Days of Holiday 🎁 Giveaways!

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It’s Here!! The 2nd Year of Natural Kaos Holiday Giveaways!!

I want to celebrate with you TWO YEARS of the Natural Kaos Skincare App!! AND I want to say THANK YOU to those of you who have supported me, who show up to my Amazon Lives, who have been with me from the start of my journey, for being a member of the App, and especially to those of you for all your kindness during the toughest part of this journey this year, losing my Youtube channel. Don’t forget to subscribe to my new YouTube Home KimSkin, wink wink ; ) I want to say thank you in the biggest way by giving back to you by gifting some of my most beloved skin tools, devices, and products! Thank you for every time you clicked on my links and for being so kind to one another in our community! So, starting DEC 1st, the next 16 days, I am going to be giving back to you – through SIXTEEN incredible giveaway Days! Remember Start date is December 1st.

Starting December 1st: How to enter the giveaway:

Each day a link to the blog post for that specific day’s giveaway will be posted. It will also be posted under my profile in the App NaturalKaos. You can also look and click the hashtag #16daysofchristmas2021  Follow the prompts on gleam to enter and that’s it!  

ENTRY:Anyone can enter, however  you must be a paid member of the app to win the giveaways.
  • You can enter every giveaway with a chance to win one of the entries. 
  • Must be 18 years or older
  • At the end of the 16 days, all the winners will be picked. Don’t forget to check your email to see if you have won!! You will have 48 hrs to claim your prize or another winner will be chosen 
  • We will be double-checking that the winner is a member of the Natural Kaos App.
  • Choosing a Winner : Winners will be selected on Monday, December 17th, 2021 by a random generator through gleam and announced in the app and will be contacted via the email they submitted. You will have 48 hrs to respond before we pick another winner, so please check your email.


Thank you to all the wonderful Beauty companies and Incredible Vendors that are working with me to make this Holiday Magic happen! I am so incredibly grateful. xoxo, Kim

You can join the Natural Kaos App: Apple Or Andriod users

**Please be sure to sign up for Gleam so you can enter each giveaway! Our Admin cannot help you enter, so make sure you are set for the Holiday gift-giving entires. 🎁

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Natural Kaos wants to bring awareness to this sad and tragic skin disease that affects young children, often into adulthood. It’s an unfortunate reality for these young ones. I felt this was important since we are enjoying our own skincare journeys in the App.  We are matching up to $1000. A monetary gift from you directly impacts all people living with Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB), by providing them with crucial programs and services and funding the most innovative research directed at symptom relief and a cure.  We will have our own unique Natural Kaos donating link in the App and at the bottom of every Giveaway. ❤️

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Lisa Williams
3 years ago

How do ai sign up for Gleam?

Karen E Maguire
Karen E Maguire
3 years ago

Hi There,

Just so I am sure I understandr, is the drawing Friday, December 17th or is it Monday, December 20th?

Thank you greatly 🙂 and you are always so generous!

3 years ago

No way to sign up for gleam

WElcome Friends

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