Melanotan II
After looking up information on Melanotan II , (which can be found all over the internet) I concluded that I will wait to use it until I have done my one-year Check-in for my Mommy Makeover scars. However, my husband Jason started his injections on Sunday, Jan 7th and he will report back in the Natural Kaos App live next Sunday, Jan 14th. You can watch our full live where I dose and inject Ipamorelin and Jason does the same for Melanotan II.
How does it work ?
Melanotan II is similar to a substance in our bodies, called “melanocyte-stimulating hormone.” This hormone increases the production of skin-darkening pigments. By mimicking melanocortin peptides, affecting various bodily functions including pigmentation

Administered via skin injection every few days, it has shown tanning effects within five doses. For tanning skin: the typical dosage of melanotan-II is 0.025 mg/kg.

Insert the needle into the area you hold at a 90-degree angle (see pic *). Do not withdraw it until you administer the entire 0.1ml of the solution in the syringe. IMPORTANT: If you are slim and have little fatty tissue you may need to insert the needle at a 45-degree angle. You should not go through the fatty layer (subcutaneous layer**) of your skin.

More internet information:
If you want to achieve the best results, it makes sense to use Melanotan regularly. However, it should be no more than once a day. Our suggestion is to take a maximum of 0.1ml (10th of a syringe) every night before going to bed this helps reduce the feelings of the initial side effects. After around the fourth injection you will notice your freckles darken (very pale people will see this in some cases several days later) once that happens the solution is active in your system and you need some UV exposure to start Melanotan 2’s action and then continue with the jabs every night and UV exposure every other day until you get the color you desire. Once the desired result is achieved, you can reduce MT2 jabs to one dose a week and sunbathe less frequently.
Melanotan II, a synthetic analog of the hormone a-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (α-MSH), was once researched for its potential to stimulate melanogenesis and enhance sexual arousal. However, its clinical development ceased in 2003, and as of 2018, no melanotan II product was available in the market due to halted commercial development. Online, unlicensed products labeled as “Melanotan II” can be found- we have links inside the Natural Kaos App in our peptides group. However, they do say that with the use of caution, some side effects such as uneven pigmentation, new moles, and darkening or enlargement of existing moles.