

Why do you want to burn dots into your face?

The ,ancient Greeks noticed that ,amber attracted small objects when rubbed with fur.

Along with ,lightning, this phenomenon is one of humanity’s earliest recorded

experiences with ,electricity.



It’s true, I’ve Plasma Fibroblasted my own face, in my own home, and I don’t have a certificate in this procedure.

Fact, you do not need a certificate to “do it yourself” DIY;

you need a certificate if you plan to offer this as a service to others.


DO NOT consider offering this as a service to others if you are not certified; you could possibly scar someone’s face and further, bad actors are causing these devices to come under attack more and more. Please do not compromise the many who have built businesses offering this procedure legitimately, by choosing to perform this on people without proper training.

Getting more information through certification; even if you only plan on DIY; is never a bad idea because it gives you more insight, ideas, and a support system.

Again, I’m NOT CERTIFIED and I do not offer certification personally. As you read this blog and watch the coordinating youtube video I hope it gives you insight into the merits of Plasma Fibroblast; which we will refer to as FB;

What it is? What does it do? How to DIY at home? and last, How to become certified? if that is your desire.


Natural Kaos Plasma Test On Arm

Before we jump into plasma pens, protocols, DIY, and aftercare concepts, let’s first understand what these terms “Plasma” and “Fibroblast” mean. I think it’s important to demystify these words in order to gain insight on what this procedure could offer you, and further, if you are even a candidate, not everyone’s skin type can be FB. There are many marketing claims made about this technique for anti-aging: But is it truly a quick facelift substitution as some like to claim and promote? Let’s get to the bottom of the science so we can prepare and mitigate concerns and expectations.



“Matter is anything that has mass and takes up space. It consists of subatomic particles, atoms, ions, and compounds. Sometimes these particles are tightly bound and close together, while other times particles are loosely connected and widely separated. States of matter describe the qualities displayed by matter. Basically, the state of matter of a substance depends on how much energy its particles have.

We can change the energy of matter by altering its temperature or pressure, causing matter to transition from one state to another. But, when matter changes state, its identity remains the same. So, if you take the ice, melt it, and then boil it; its state of matter changes, but it’s always water.” Referenced Article

Plasma is considered the FOURTH state of matter.

The first state of matter is SOLID. The second state of matter is when the solid melts into a LIQUID. The third state of matter is when that liquid vaporizes into GAS. And, the fourth state of matter is when that gas is ionized and becomes PLASMA.

The plasma I am referencing is Physics plasma, this is NOT THE SAME as Plasma found in your blood. They share the same term “plasma”, however, physics plasma and blood plasma are not the same. You do not have lightning bolts in your blood:)

Plasma, the fourth state of matter, was first identified in 1879 by an English Physicist Sir William Crookes. He built an electric discharge tube that had a partial vacuum, this allowed him and his colleagues to first observe electrons streaming. An electron stream is referred to as a Cathode-ray or electron beam or e-beam. In order to actually see the electron beam you need a vacuumed tube; (meaning no air), equipped with two electrodes, then a voltage is applied and then behind the glass, a positive electrode is observed to glow.

Crookes, first referred to this display as “radiant matter” and later, as vacuum tubes became better other physicists began to better identify what this matter was. in 1894 an Irish physicist George Johnstone Stoney, named these particles Electrons; which is a combination of the words electric and ion.


We see plasma in the natural world when we witness lightning or travel north to enjoy the beauties of the Aurora Borealis. However, you don’t need to go an expedition to the North Pole or wait for your next storm to see plasma, today we can see it glow in Neon Signs, or your brother’s welding shop, or even in your facial High Frequency device, where the electrons glow do the gas-filled probe.

GAS is the third state of matter, and as it journeys towards the plasma state, the gas is energized until atomic electrons are no longer associated with any particular atomic nucleus. Plasma is a state of matter similar to a gas, except all of the particles carry an electrical charge. Also, plasma tends to exist at very low pressure, so the particles are even further apart than in a gas. Plasma can consist of ions, electrons, or protons.

What does this physic’s lesson have to do with you and your face?

Plasma Fibroblast On Natural Kaos face

First, I think background information is always useful, and second, there are many many Plasma Pens on the market, but not all of them are actually creating plasma. The true value in these pens is finding one that truly offers SUBLIMATION.

If a pen has a metal tip, heats up, and needs to touch your skin to induce the burn, it is NOT a plasma pen, it is curling iron you are touching to your face. To be fair, the electrical burn dots people are giving themselves with these cheaper pens are inducing trauma to the skin and could tighten as the skin heals. The concern with cheaper devices is how controlled is that trauma?

I do many procedures on myself to induce collagen and tighten my skin. Microneedling and TCA peels are two of my favorite controlled traumas which induce collagen production. If you slice your arm open you are inducing collagen. However, depending on the severity of the cut you most likely will scar as the fibroblasts and elastin production occurs, thereby creating collagen to heal your wound.

With this in mind, I hope your takeaway is that not all trauma is created or produced the same, and you are running a greater risk of scarring yourself if you use an electric rode to burn your skin.


Dry Ice is a very common example of Sublimation that we can all witness. Dry Ice is frozen Carbon Dioxide. When removed from the freezer the temperature begins to rise and you see gas. As the gas rises the dry ice solid-state shrinks. It will completely be dissolved back into its gas state, completely bypassing the Liquid state. The Carbon Dioxide gas can be recaptured, placed in a freezer and it will become a solid piece of ice again.

Wood set on fire and turned into smoke is not sublimation, although we see it bypass the state of Liquid, this is a chemical change and results in new compounds. After a house goes up in smoke it cannot cycle back to a house.

Sublimation, in physics, means the conversion of a substance from the solid-state to the gaseous state without it becoming a liquid. When you are truly using a Plasma Pen that creates the plasma arc, the tissue you are treating is SUBLIMATED, meaning solid tissue turns into a gas, bypassing the liquid state of matter. This avoids spreading unwanted heat to surrounding areas of skin. The principles of an electrical arc from the pen combining with ionized gas create plasma.

Like any other chemical process, sublimation occurs more readily under certain weather conditions. This includes dry winds, low humidity, and low temperature to name a few. Sublimation is likely to occur more frequently at higher altitudes with low air pressure.

I think this is something to keep in mind when you decide to FB. It’s been storming at my house this whole week, which means the humidity is high, and I only live at 1000 feet elevation; which means today might not create the best plasma arc.


A fibroblast is the most common type of cell found in connective tissue. Fibroblasts secrete collagen proteins that are used to maintain a structural framework for many tissues.

Most, if not all, methods of skin resurfacing are based on creating controlled skin damage, which activates its healing, fibroblast cells are activated by this controlled damage to secrete tropocollagen, a precursor to collagen, and this leads to the skin remodeling and improvement in various signs of aging.

Who knew physics and skincare would unite!

Physics and Skincare Unite Natural Kaos Plasma Fibroblast 101

This brief physics introduction has helped elaborate the basic concept of Plasma Fibroblasting for skin tightening: A plasma pen arc’s, the arc is the lightning that zaps your skin, this arc is made up of ionized gas, and the tip does not touch your skin. The skin and atmosphere need to be dry to allow the best plasma arc. When this plasma arc hits the Solid-state of your skin, it sublimates turning those skin cells it touches into gas. This in turn causes a controlled trauma and Fibroblasts, the skin building cells go to work. Fibroblasts make elastin and collagen fibrils in order to repair your skin. This in turn strengthens the dermis with new tissue creation plus helping to organize the tissue in younger-looking patterns which then minimize wrinkles and loose sagging skin.


At this point, I hope you understand the vast difference between an actual Plasma producing pen and a cheaper version that does not arc. Again the overall concern with the less expensive pens is that the temperature and tissue damage is not regulated or controlled.

Plamon & Plamere are True Plasma Pens Natural Kaos


No, they do not. They produce an electrical arc. There are pros and cons to an electrical arc. PRO: The electrical arc will produce this “damage” that the body will respond with fibroblast cells secreting tropocollagen resulting in collagen production.

CON: The electrical pen’s heat is not controlled or regulated This unregulated electrical heat transfers into the skin and skin’s layers. The unregulated heat can cause scarring and deformation.


If you purchased a pen and do not know if it’s a true plasma device please look for the following:

1. A true plasma device will have a yellow electrical arc followed immediately by a purple plasma flash. An electrical pen will just have a yellow arc.

2. Plasma is lightening. Think about what is needed to produce lightning. Plasma is created in the air. Your plasma device will turn off when it touches the skin. An electric device produces heat even when in contact with the skin.

This is why the electric arc pens can disfigure and scar your skin. When I use my Plamere or Plamon Plasma Pens, as soon as the arc happens and hits my skin it stops. So it creates the trauma and immediately stops arcing. Then I move it and it arcs again. An electric arcing pen will not stop burning you after it first hits the solid-state of your skin resulting in a non-controlled outcome.


There are two mechanisms of action with skin tightening with any true plasma device.

1. Sublimation.

2. Controlled damage triggers collagen reproduction.

These are the 4 Plasma Pens I own:


Purchase Plamere V1. I have the first generation PLAMERE and I bought it from EBAY. The Plamere was the first Plasma Pen I was ever introduced to when I had this service professionally done.

You can see the whole process in my first plasma fibroblast experience video.

* There are now 2 versions of the Plamere Plasma Pen and I want to make sure I inform you of the differences and you don’t overpay for the older version. My Plamere is the first version pen and it has an internal battery that needs to be charged up prior to use. This is completely fine for DIY and the seller I bought from on eBay is still selling the first version for $1050 which is what I paid 2 years ago.

The second-generation Plamere offers interchangeable batteries. This is very helpful if you are treating clients back to back. Previously, people would buy multiple pens to have them charged for multiple clients, now with the newer Plamere, you can simply switch out batteries.

PLAMERE VERSION 2 (I do not have this version) This pen currently retails for over $1400. Just make sure if you are paying around the $1400 price point that you are truly getting the Plamere with batteries you can swap out.


Purchase Plamon. This pen sells around the $900 price point,

If you want a discount you can join the Natural Kaos App on Apple or on Google.

It’s true that you might be able to find the pens she offers for a bit less but then you don’t have any support or guidance with the pen you purchased. When I first bought my initial Plamere I would’ve spent a little extra to get this incredibly useful support as its not easy troubleshooting these devices and sometimes they don’t arrive perfectly from overseas.

Here are some videos of me using the PLAMON:



Purchase Plaxage I have this pen but have never used it. I have struggled to get it to work. My pen will turn on but never fires.


Purchase 4th Plasma Pen I have used this pen on my knees. Here is my video experience.





Natural Kaos Left side of face after plasma fibroblast treatment


No pregnant or nursing mothers

No pacemakers

No blood disorders

No active infections

Do not treat if you have pigmentation disorders

Do not treat if you develop keloid scars

Do not treat if Accutane has been used in the last year


Cannot treat on or around eyes if have detached retina.

Remove contact lenses if treating eyes.

Ask your doctor if you are being treated for any condition.


Unfortunately, skin type matters with this procedure and not every skin type will benefit.

If you are Olive Toned and you rarely burn, you are skin type 4 or greater and you should be extremely cautious. Your skin might not heal correctly and you could be left with permanent dots covering your face.

The Plamere and Plamon plasma devices can treat Fitzpatrick skin type 1,2,3. If you are a Fitzpatrick skin type 4 please do a test arc behind your ear, watch it heal over 2 weeks, and see if the pigmentation returns to normal. If the dot does not return to normal skin tone, then you either need a Plaxpot Plasma device or FB is simply not for you. On the brighter side, you already have gorgeous skin.

The medical-grade Plaxpot can treat Fitzpatrick type 1-5. It’s a medical-grade device so it is extremely expensive. The only reason you would purchase this device is first if you have a skin type 4 or darker and or you are doing this as a business. Purchasing the Plaxpot will expand the clientele you are able to service.


You must wait 12 weeks to see the final outcome of your treatment. This allows time for the collagen to grow and for you to notice a true change. You must wait 12 weeks to complete another treatment.


Everything has risks involved. Educating yourself as much as possible prior and making sure you understand the risks for your skin type is critical.

Please consider online or in-person training. Knowledge is power. Additional instruction can be found here.


Prep skin for treatment by using sunscreen for 30 days. Reapply sunscreen. Wear a hat.

No facial acids (retinol, glycolic or lactic) for 14 days prior to or 21 days post-treatment.

No chemical peels for 90 days prior to or post-treatment.

No HA fillers or Toxin (on treated area) for 21 days prior to or post-treatment.

No microneedling (treated area) for 21 days prior to or post-treatment.

SHOWER: Make sure to shower the morning of your treatment. This way you can avoid the hot shower for the next two days during your first 48 hours of healing.

**Above are the utmost safest guidelines for FB preparation. However, everyone’s skin is different. We have different experiences in skincare which develops our own personal theories for our individual skin conditions. My skin heals extremely fast and I do not swell. I have done many many procedures DIY and feel comfortable with my results. If you watch my channel and Lives you are acutely aware that I do not maintain these prescribed lengths of time in between my procedures. This is my choice as well as the reality of making and sharing content online. Please do not use me as a guide for your own skincare procedure spacing.


I take arnica tablets, and Ibuprofen to help with swelling before I start this procedure. I take these about an hour prior, I do it at the same time I start my numbing cream.

***I personally do a light microneedling roll before I lay on my numbing creme. This is my personal choice and it helps the numbing creme penetrate a bit faster and deeper. FB hurts and you will struggle to get through an area if you are not numb.

I use a numbing cream from Korea and it is far more effective than any other numbing cream I have ever tried. You can also save 12% with KAOS20  Purchase Numbing Cream.

Once you lay down a thick layer of numbing cream, then cover with either a Daiso Silicone Mask or plastic wrap. Remove wrap from areas as you treat, keep other areas covered until you are ready for that section.

When you uncover an area, wipe off the cream, then swab the area with alcohol. Let this dry.

I find the dryer my skin is the better the pen arc and the faster I am able to go. Spraying the skin with colloidal silver, letting that dry, and then FB. Test what works best for you. Colloidal silver helps with disinfecting the area and with healing. I use it afterward as a soothing relief from the burn.


Let the treated area dry & heal for 48 hours.

You can spray with a relief hydrosol during this period. Active Skin Repair and Colloidal Silver help. They allow the treated skin to dry and the scabs to form, without trapping in heat. Remember, you just caused a controlled burn to your skin, most people’s skin will heal and the internal heat will dissipate within this first 48-hour window.

After 48 hours then apply Aquaphor. Keep applying Aquaphor until dots fall off.

The skin has more time to heal the longer the scabs stay attached. If you don’t start coating them after the first 48 hours they might dry out and fall off prematurely. Just like with a TCA peel you want the skin to shed naturally and not too fast. Keeping it hydrated and protected will ensure you don’t end up with hyperpigmentation from scabs releasing too early.

The micro scabs need 7-10 days to fall off (face is 7-10 days, the body is 10-21 days) and during this time, the client should keep the skin surface clean and protect it with Aquaphor and SPF.

One of the most important factors is protecting this “injured” skin from UV rays. Wearing sunscreen is a must for 30 days.

Ideally, you would not put makeup on your skin until the scabs have fallen off naturally, however, once you have a dry scab, you can apply makeup. The reason people say to wait is that they want to ensure you do not add makeup during the first 48 hour healing period as the scabs are developing.


First Plasma Fibroblast Treatment Natural Kaos

Most people achieve their desired results after just one treatment. However, depending on the area being treated, the skin’s laxity, and individual response to treatment, additional treatments may be required after 12 weeks for maximum results.

This is the reason I like DIY so much. You most likely will need more sessions, in fact, I know you will, so with this in mind the price of a real Plasma Pen starts to make sense. Even buying one to share among sisters is a great way to make this work and split the cost. You really only need to do this 4 times a year which is why sharing can work.

Most people see results instantly, which continue to improve over the course of the following 90 days. The initial lift is caused by inflammation because there is trauma. I see this with Micronedling and Acid peels. The true impact and results come months later as the initiation of collagen-building takes place.

Like all DIY it is critical to spend your time learning, I’m sure you already know this, and that’s why you are reading this post.

In my opinion, this is an option for many that can drastically improve areas around their eyes, mouth, neck, stomach, arms, legs, and stretch marks if treated correctly, protected effectively, and allowed to heal. If you have a ton of extra skin on your eyelids you will probably need 4-6 sessions to get the results that surgery would offer you. I want your expectations to be mitigated and be within the realm of possibilities.

I can’t wait to share with you what I do in the Youtube Video and accompanying Blog Post.

Thank you for being here with me and I will see you on the Youtube video premier, on Amazon Live, and of course in our Private App🙂



xoxo Kim

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Amy Wilding
Amy Wilding
3 years ago

Youtube took link down Im very interested to learn this. Please send link around eyes and mouth area. Thank you so much

3 years ago
Reply to  Amy Wilding

Do you use any kind of serum after you do it? I read alot that offices tgat do fb give some kind of after care serum?

2 years ago
Reply to  Amy Wilding

Thanks for the info.
Are there any real ones that are in the few hundred dollar range?
$1000 is just way over my budget so if I can avoid the electrical one, I want to.

Tiffin McPherson
Tiffin McPherson
3 years ago

Please send me your videos, I’m interested in doing it on my knees and in my spa at home for people.

3 years ago

I’m so confused when it comes to where to get one that is real plasma arc .. I know there are fake ones out there but they all look the same to me .. I’m a single mom with limited income so I can’t really afford thousands of dollars for one

Melissa Everidge
Melissa Everidge
3 years ago

I am also interested in the videos for using the plasma pen. I will be taking the plunge and I would like some information and videos/tutorials.

Kali Aguilar
Kali Aguilar
1 year ago

I have been wanting a Plamere pen for awhile now to fibroblast around my eyes. The results are amazing on the Natural Kaos app. I hope to get one soon! It is definitely a game changer.

WElcome Friends

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