Nearly every single person will deal with loose skin at some point in their life. As you age your body produces less collagen and elastin, the proteins that allow your skin to bounce back. The less your body produces these proteins the greater chance you’ll end up with some loose skin. Having children definitely doesn’t help the issue either. Since this is a natural part of life, not everybody is going to want to fix their skin. However, if you’re interested plasma fibroblast treatment might be a great way to tighten your skin.
Plasma Fibroblasting is a non-surgical, non-invasive procedure. It works by creating a plasma charge between the tip of the pen and your skin. When the charge affects your skin, your brain signals the production of collagen and elastin to that specific area. Your cells then use fibroblasts to repair the affected area. As each area is repaired, saggy skin and wrinkles are reduced. Over time, plasma fibroblasting your stomach helps to reduce loose skin and provide overall results. Plasma fibroblast is a popular treatment that is also used to tighten smaller lines and wrinkles on your face. Some of my other videos further demonstrate how this effective process works.
Here are the products I used:
Goli Apple Cider Vinegar Vitamins
Plamere Pen Save 20% KAOS20
Plamon Pen 20% KAOS20
Numbing Cream Wellscaine Plus Save 20% with KAOS20
Check out these Plasma Fibroblast videos!